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The initiative is being led by the Industrial Association for Regional Development (CIDERE in Spanish) of the Biobio Region.

In the goal of supporting men and women in their improvement and employability during social-job reintegration whose opportunities were reduced during the pandemic, we are members of the “I am undertaking entrepreneurship in freedom” program for the second consecutive year.

In the words of Constanza Sepulveda, our Head of Territorial Management, “Being a factor of support to the I am undertaking entrepreneurship in freedom program is a source of pride for us. We have helped train 15 entrepreneurs in the zone and we are committed to backing and promoting them during their social and employment reintegration.”

Among the main focuses of our sustainability strategy is respect and affection for our communities and for everyone forming a part of them. Driving local economic development through entrepreneurship and improving the quality of life are part of the pillars of our community development strategy, which is seen in “I am undertaking entrepreneurship in freedom.”