Sustainable Nutrition
A responsible vision is what enables us to lead sustainable nutrition from the sea.
We promote a sustainable strategy that strives to make our species drivers of the nutrition of future generations.
We believe that the ocean is the cradle of life and the frontier of tomorrow’s nutrition, which is why we are working every day so that it becomes the basis of healthy eating on the planet, to make positive, permanent changes to the quality of life of people, families and communities.
Sustainable Production
We are constantly innovating to move towards better international environmental standards. Our commitment is to go beyond complying with existing national regulations, which is why we have become certified under the strictest independent international regulations. All this means that at this time, our fishing is 100% renewable.
Quotas and Conservation
The fishing industry in Chile is regulated by global capture quotas that aim to maintain a healthy marine population with a growing biomass so that we can ensure the continuity of fishing as a source of food and the sea as a source of life both today and for the future.
We hold diverse independent, international certifications such as the certification of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) that warrants that our fishing of jack mackerel is done under strict quality standards in compliance with the sustainability standards set by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Boats and Technology
Our boats are equipped with advanced echo sounder and sonar technology, in addition to the experience of our captains and crew. This means that we can detect whether the fishing zone has the fish that we wish to extract. This also assures that we do not harm other species or exceed Chilean regulations that control and oversee discarding fish to ensure that boats do not discard marine species when they are fishing.
Production Cycle
Orizon Seafood concentrates its production on two types of fishing:
Artisanal fishing, which is focused on small pelagic species, specifically sardines and anchovies, used to produce meal and oil.
Industrial fishing, centered on catching jack mackerel used to produce canned goods, frozen fish, meal and oil.
We endeavor to take maximum advantage of each resource given us by the sea throughout the entire chain of production.
We have developed a sustainability strategy based on four work focuses to have a positive impact
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The future of food depends on a responsible use of resources and on caring for what the ocean gives us.
Our strategy, characterized by ongoing innovation, has led us to implement diverse initiatives to be able to take best advantage of raw materials in the production of our foods.