Our Commitment
We firmly believe that the sustainable nutrition of the future starts in the ocean.
Our vision and commitment as a company
We are moving away from the vision of the ocean as an extractive source in order to see it as one of the main sources of life on which our existence on the planet depends.

We are striving to have a real impact on the life of people through our products and business attitude.
Our concern for people guides us as a company and motivates us to safeguard the health and wellbeing of everyone with whom we deal directly or indirectly, both our employees and suppliers as well as the community in general.
Quality of Life
We recognize the importance of the impact that our actions, products and activities have on the quality of life and health of many people and families.
Artisanal Fishing
The joint work with artisanal fishers is vitally important to developing sustainable nutrition from the sea. We are part of the community in the Regions of Coronel and Coquimbo, where there is a lengthy history with local artisanal fishers.

Artisanal Fishing
Of all fish processed come from artisanal fishing
Tons of artisanal fish
Our policy on complying with the General Fishing and Aquaculture Law (abbreviated as LGPA in Spanish) is extended to all service providers and to the supply of raw materials by artisanal fishers.
We are supporting artisanal fishing in Coquimbo by transferring 100% of the fishing quotas to artisanal fishers.
50% of the fish in Coronel comes from artisanal fishers.
We are committed to our code of ethics and internal policies.
We promote an unconditional observance of national and international standards.
Through our business and sustainability strategy, we have adopted the great commitment of amplifying the positive impact that our ocean has so that its echo will transcend the coasts and resound throughout the planet and its inhabitants.
The ocean as a source of life
The ocean absorbs 93% of the heat from our emissions.
The ocean contributes 75% of oxygen.
The ocean absorbs 93% of the heat from our emissions.
Today only 3% of our food comes from the ocean.
Fish comprise 20% of the animal protein we consume.
The ocean can provide 6 times more food than what it does today with a lower environmental impact then food from the land.
4,2mill. toneladas
Responsibly fishing Jack Mackerel has helped increase its biomass by 4.2 million tons in the last 8 years.
We are aware of the challenge and responsibility that companies have in transforming businesses and driving our economic development, so we are an actor committed to generating wellbeing among those surrounding us.
Ongoing innovation has led us to begin projects on diversification and technological improvement in our areas of business. We always aim to take best advantage of raw materials, increase quality and offer the best high-value products.
We invite you to be a part of our team. See our job offers or share your information with us.
Certified quality
Our certifications demonstrate that we are a company committed to sustainability, quality and the safety of everything we produce.